Hi friends,
Happy weekend! I'm so happy to be home this weekend after spending the week away with amazing educators in the South. Did you know that there is a Chick Fil A restaurant in the South where you sit down and they serve you? I even heard there are additional items on the menu other than what I am aware of. Amazing, huh? Did you know this?
Thanks for joining me today. Today I wanted to share with you my daughter's room make over. When we moved into our current home almost 5 years ago (April 2011) my daughter's room was already decorated with purple princess border and purple sponge painting which honestly worked for her for a while.
My husband and I secretly dreamed up a room make over for her and executed our plan over a weekend when she was away visiting her grandparents. We were so excited to reveal her newly made over room to her when she got home. Imagine our disappointment when we revealed her room to her and though she was appreciative, she did share that our vision for her room was NOT her vision. Lesson learned: when making over a child's room, especially a child who has specific fashion, style, and design opinions, LET SAID CHILD HAVE SOME SAY.
Or you will be making over said child's room again someday soon.
Here was the secret make over my husband and I executed:
Fast forward to today. Said child is almost 10 years old. DOUBLE DIGITS over here. How did that happen? We told her that for her 10th birthday we would make over her room on a budget of course. She and I have been dreaming of her make over for months. I secretly wanted to make sure she didn't change her mind over time which honestly she hasn't. I am envisioning that this newly designed room takes her through her teenaged years.
Here's my Double Digit Girl's Room Plan:
1. Change paint color from the soft pink my husband and I choose to blue that she picked (you can see the blue reflected on her updated dresser and the B on the wall which will be covered up today with blue paint):
2. Use gold spray paint to cover up some old objects and add some gold accessories to the room:
We used this amazing gold spray paint. I was so impressed with the coverage:
3. We have a few newly purchased items (gold dot wall decals, 3 fun accent pillows, and new gold dot sheets) that we will add to the room this week.
We are still on the hunt for a narrow desk and chair to add to her room. We saw one we loved at Home Goods months ago but it's gone now.
We also plan to take down the purple Target chandelier in the room and replace with something more neutral and fun. This might take the form of a trip to Ikea! Yeah!
Stop back by again real soon and I'll share some updates on the progress......
Happy decorating & living,
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Monday, February 22, 2016
Easter Decor
Thanks Y'all for the feedback on my DIY Easter Decorations recent blog post. My girl and I had fun being creative and thinking up banners to make (with some help from Pinterest!).
Today I wanted to share with you some of my other budget friendly Easter décor in our home. C'mon on in, have some tea, and take a look around....I think I might have a thing for bunnies....
Thanks for joining me today friends. I hope spring is right around the corner for you.
Happy decorating & living,
Today I wanted to share with you some of my other budget friendly Easter décor in our home. C'mon on in, have some tea, and take a look around....I think I might have a thing for bunnies....
This sweet little Easter tree was a $1 at the local Goodwill. Score!
Have you seen these craft eggs? I'm in love with this product! My girl immediately spotted them on my desk and asked if she could start decorating them.
Thanks for joining me today friends. I hope spring is right around the corner for you.
Happy decorating & living,
Saturday, February 20, 2016
DIY Easter Decorations
Hi Y'all,
How are you? Did your week just zoom by? We are starting to see the first signs of yellow daffodils peaking through the grass here in North Carolina. I'm over the moon that spring is right around the corner.
It's hard to remember that last Monday we had an 'ice day'. In fact, my rascals are at school today, Saturday, as I type this for a make-up day for last Monday's ice day. My husband gave me the gift of sleeping in this morning while he wrangled those rascals out of bed and to school. Thanks babe!
Since we were iced in last Monday and I had the day off of work due to the President's Day holiday, I challenged myself to create some new DIY Easter decorations using just left over craft materials from my house. With those icy roads there was no way this momma was driving to the local craft store. My girl got into with me as well. She and I searched on Pinterest for inspiration and inspiration is what we got!!!!
Here's what we made. See what you think......
DIY Easter Decorating Project #1- Burlap Painted White Bunny Banner-
I used left over duck fabric from covering a bench project, old white paint, and a cotton ball from the bathroom.
Then later in the week I walked by the dollar bin at Target and look what I found for mere dollars though mine was cheaper (no mula!) but maybe their's is a little cuter. I just couldn't resist!
DIY Easter Decorating Project #2- Paper Bunny Tail Banner-
All I needed for this banner was white yarn, a few left over wood beads from a light fixture project, and old scrapbook paper. My girl had fun making the bunny tails.
DIY Easter Decorating Project #3- Teal and Cream Fabric Banner-
For this project I used my fancy zig zag scissors and left over dish towel, yes you read that correctly, dish towel fabric from another project. So glad I save stuff!
Thanks for joining me today friends. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and find some time to treat yourself.
Happy decorating & living,
How are you? Did your week just zoom by? We are starting to see the first signs of yellow daffodils peaking through the grass here in North Carolina. I'm over the moon that spring is right around the corner.
It's hard to remember that last Monday we had an 'ice day'. In fact, my rascals are at school today, Saturday, as I type this for a make-up day for last Monday's ice day. My husband gave me the gift of sleeping in this morning while he wrangled those rascals out of bed and to school. Thanks babe!
Since we were iced in last Monday and I had the day off of work due to the President's Day holiday, I challenged myself to create some new DIY Easter decorations using just left over craft materials from my house. With those icy roads there was no way this momma was driving to the local craft store. My girl got into with me as well. She and I searched on Pinterest for inspiration and inspiration is what we got!!!!
Here's what we made. See what you think......
DIY Easter Decorating Project #1- Burlap Painted White Bunny Banner-
I used left over duck fabric from covering a bench project, old white paint, and a cotton ball from the bathroom.
Then later in the week I walked by the dollar bin at Target and look what I found for mere dollars though mine was cheaper (no mula!) but maybe their's is a little cuter. I just couldn't resist!
DIY Easter Decorating Project #2- Paper Bunny Tail Banner-
All I needed for this banner was white yarn, a few left over wood beads from a light fixture project, and old scrapbook paper. My girl had fun making the bunny tails.
DIY Easter Decorating Project #3- Teal and Cream Fabric Banner-
For this project I used my fancy zig zag scissors and left over dish towel, yes you read that correctly, dish towel fabric from another project. So glad I save stuff!
Thanks for joining me today friends. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and find some time to treat yourself.
Happy decorating & living,
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Time to Treat Ourselves
Ladies, ladies, ladies, it's time to treat ourselves. Who's on board with me? Can I get an amen?
I know I'm not telling you anything new....we women are strong, tired, overworked (at home or outside home), caregivers, nurses, teachers, veterinarians, friends, daughters, sisters, wives, moms, basically Superwomen without the cape.
So, now it's time to get down to the business of treating ourselves. What is that? What does it look like? What does it sound like? Smell like? How will we have time?
I ask you, how can we not have time for this?
Here's the interesting part, what's a treat for you, might not be a treat for me, and vice versa. Grab a pen and paper, close your eyes (in a minute after reading the next sentence)....write down how you can treat yourself.....what comes to mind????
Did you write anything down? If so, good girl, now go do those things. Go. Do it. Today, tomorrow, the day after, the day after that, and so on, you get it.
If you didn't write anything down at all. Don't fret. I suspect that after taking care of everyone in our homes and the world in general around us, maybe some of us aren't sure what a treat even looks like. I've spent some time thinking about this. Let me share some of my treats and perhaps one or two of my treats, will be a treat for you. Or perhaps none of my treats are anything you'd enjoy, no problem, maybe you'll get an idea.
Megan's Treats
1. Take a decadent warm bath with lots of salts, bubbles, gels....etc....not because I'm dirty but JUST BECAUSE. This is one of my absolute favorite treats and I can do it about everywhere. Every single night. Night after night. At home is my favorite place because I have all of my good yummy bath stuff there. But even when I'm away on consulting gigs if I'm lucky and get a hotel room with a bath and not just a shower, I will indulge in this treat. Now, I get it. I know some of you HATE baths. I've heard some of you ponder why in the world people would want to sit in their own filth. Some of you take the baths out of your perfectly good bathrooms and add extra large awesome showers. I know this one is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. Is it yours? Is it giving you an idea of a different treat?
2. Shopping alone. I have two kids. Enough said. You get it right sisters. Somehow when those rascals are with me, there's more sugary food products at the conclusion of said shopping trip. How does that happen? I know, I know, I hear you. I should be strong and not cave in but.....
3. Walk outside. Preferably around a lake or along a beach or maybe through the woods. Sometimes beggars can't be choosers and the good ole' neighborhood suffices or the treadmill at home or in the hotel I'm staying in. This is one of those treats where initially I may not actually want to do this treat but once I do I always feel so much better. Stress reducer. Especially if I have my iphone cued up with my favorite tunes. Or perhaps it's time for a gratitude walk where I push myself to think of all of the reasons I'm blessed and what I'm grateful for.
4. Reading. I get it again. This one might not be your thing either. I see you sitting on the airplane next to me. You stare out the window, you browse through the emergency landing pamphlet for a few minutes, then you fall asleep with your neck bobbing up and down waking you up. I watch you and I try so hard not to be judgmental as I think, "Where is your book? What about a magazine? Did you forget it at home? I might have an extra book for you if you want it. They have a bookstore at the airport. Why weren't you prepared?" I admit it, I don't get it. I L-O-V-E to read. If there is a perk to traveling (I'm not really sold on that concept) it IS the gift of uninterrupted time to read read read, gloriously read maybe half of a book or more during a trip. What a treat! Don't get me started on the lure of glossy beautiful decorating magazines or trashy gossip magazines where at this point in life I don't know who half the people are.
5. Music. I bet I'm going to get some takers on this one. Who doesn't love music? Am I right? C'mon tell me I'm right. I know I'll lose you with what kinds of music I like but heck, who cares. All that matters is that the listener appreciates the music and loves it, right? I'm listening to some music now. (Thanks to my colleague TJ- he recommended the Broadway musical soundtrack of Aladdin....so much more amazing that the Disney movie. I think the Broadway musical soundtrack of Hamilton is going to be my next iTunes purchase. I get it. I'm losing many of you with my particular musical taste and that's ok.) I bet 99% of us feel like we can treat ourselves with a few minutes of listening to some groovin' music (or whatever type you like).
6. DYI Decorating. This one is perhaps one of my favorites though they are all awesome. This past Monday we were 'iced' in...no school, no going anywhere, ICE-gate over here for a day. I challenged myself to use crafts, materials from home and my good friend Pinterest (what in the world did I do before Pinterest?????) and come up with some new Easter decorations. My girl helped me. We came up with three little sweet projects that cost us no mula. I'll share soon. I promise.
Here's a tip for you: When you're enjoying your treat, no guilt allowed. Truly embrace your treat. You deserve it. Think of how much more rested, more positive, more energetic you'll feel when you return to your real life and your people.
Disclaimer: I'm currently on Weight Watchers just like my bud Oprah (I like bread too girl!) and challenging myself to 'move' more (which takes many different forms including walk/dance/clapping on my treadmill to my favorite Broadway musical soundtracks which no one wants to see or probably even envision...it's not pretty people....sorry if I put the thought into your head now....take it out...erase it...do it now!) so none of my treats will include food. Perhaps some of you can have food treats on your list and have it be a healthy thing for you to indulge in...not me...not now. Maybe another time. I can't go there now.
Let's also challenge ourselves to suggest and even gently persuade our men to treat themselves too. Wouldn't the world be a better, kinder, more lovely place if we all loved ourselves a little more, treated ourselves a little more often and in turn loved others.
So, what do you say? Let's start a new Treat Ourselves Revolution. Try to find a way to treat yourself every day for the next week. What are you already looking forward to?
Please share with me. I can't wait to hear what your treats are. I'd love to add to my treat repertoire!
Go on and treat yourself friends.
I know I'm not telling you anything new....we women are strong, tired, overworked (at home or outside home), caregivers, nurses, teachers, veterinarians, friends, daughters, sisters, wives, moms, basically Superwomen without the cape.
So, now it's time to get down to the business of treating ourselves. What is that? What does it look like? What does it sound like? Smell like? How will we have time?
I ask you, how can we not have time for this?
Here's the interesting part, what's a treat for you, might not be a treat for me, and vice versa. Grab a pen and paper, close your eyes (in a minute after reading the next sentence)....write down how you can treat yourself.....what comes to mind????
Did you write anything down? If so, good girl, now go do those things. Go. Do it. Today, tomorrow, the day after, the day after that, and so on, you get it.
If you didn't write anything down at all. Don't fret. I suspect that after taking care of everyone in our homes and the world in general around us, maybe some of us aren't sure what a treat even looks like. I've spent some time thinking about this. Let me share some of my treats and perhaps one or two of my treats, will be a treat for you. Or perhaps none of my treats are anything you'd enjoy, no problem, maybe you'll get an idea.
Megan's Treats
1. Take a decadent warm bath with lots of salts, bubbles, gels....etc....not because I'm dirty but JUST BECAUSE. This is one of my absolute favorite treats and I can do it about everywhere. Every single night. Night after night. At home is my favorite place because I have all of my good yummy bath stuff there. But even when I'm away on consulting gigs if I'm lucky and get a hotel room with a bath and not just a shower, I will indulge in this treat. Now, I get it. I know some of you HATE baths. I've heard some of you ponder why in the world people would want to sit in their own filth. Some of you take the baths out of your perfectly good bathrooms and add extra large awesome showers. I know this one is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. Is it yours? Is it giving you an idea of a different treat?
2. Shopping alone. I have two kids. Enough said. You get it right sisters. Somehow when those rascals are with me, there's more sugary food products at the conclusion of said shopping trip. How does that happen? I know, I know, I hear you. I should be strong and not cave in but.....
3. Walk outside. Preferably around a lake or along a beach or maybe through the woods. Sometimes beggars can't be choosers and the good ole' neighborhood suffices or the treadmill at home or in the hotel I'm staying in. This is one of those treats where initially I may not actually want to do this treat but once I do I always feel so much better. Stress reducer. Especially if I have my iphone cued up with my favorite tunes. Or perhaps it's time for a gratitude walk where I push myself to think of all of the reasons I'm blessed and what I'm grateful for.
4. Reading. I get it again. This one might not be your thing either. I see you sitting on the airplane next to me. You stare out the window, you browse through the emergency landing pamphlet for a few minutes, then you fall asleep with your neck bobbing up and down waking you up. I watch you and I try so hard not to be judgmental as I think, "Where is your book? What about a magazine? Did you forget it at home? I might have an extra book for you if you want it. They have a bookstore at the airport. Why weren't you prepared?" I admit it, I don't get it. I L-O-V-E to read. If there is a perk to traveling (I'm not really sold on that concept) it IS the gift of uninterrupted time to read read read, gloriously read maybe half of a book or more during a trip. What a treat! Don't get me started on the lure of glossy beautiful decorating magazines or trashy gossip magazines where at this point in life I don't know who half the people are.
5. Music. I bet I'm going to get some takers on this one. Who doesn't love music? Am I right? C'mon tell me I'm right. I know I'll lose you with what kinds of music I like but heck, who cares. All that matters is that the listener appreciates the music and loves it, right? I'm listening to some music now. (Thanks to my colleague TJ- he recommended the Broadway musical soundtrack of Aladdin....so much more amazing that the Disney movie. I think the Broadway musical soundtrack of Hamilton is going to be my next iTunes purchase. I get it. I'm losing many of you with my particular musical taste and that's ok.) I bet 99% of us feel like we can treat ourselves with a few minutes of listening to some groovin' music (or whatever type you like).
6. DYI Decorating. This one is perhaps one of my favorites though they are all awesome. This past Monday we were 'iced' in...no school, no going anywhere, ICE-gate over here for a day. I challenged myself to use crafts, materials from home and my good friend Pinterest (what in the world did I do before Pinterest?????) and come up with some new Easter decorations. My girl helped me. We came up with three little sweet projects that cost us no mula. I'll share soon. I promise.
Here's a tip for you: When you're enjoying your treat, no guilt allowed. Truly embrace your treat. You deserve it. Think of how much more rested, more positive, more energetic you'll feel when you return to your real life and your people.
Disclaimer: I'm currently on Weight Watchers just like my bud Oprah (I like bread too girl!) and challenging myself to 'move' more (which takes many different forms including walk/dance/clapping on my treadmill to my favorite Broadway musical soundtracks which no one wants to see or probably even envision...it's not pretty people....sorry if I put the thought into your head now....take it out...erase it...do it now!) so none of my treats will include food. Perhaps some of you can have food treats on your list and have it be a healthy thing for you to indulge in...not me...not now. Maybe another time. I can't go there now.
Let's also challenge ourselves to suggest and even gently persuade our men to treat themselves too. Wouldn't the world be a better, kinder, more lovely place if we all loved ourselves a little more, treated ourselves a little more often and in turn loved others.
So, what do you say? Let's start a new Treat Ourselves Revolution. Try to find a way to treat yourself every day for the next week. What are you already looking forward to?
Please share with me. I can't wait to hear what your treats are. I'd love to add to my treat repertoire!
Go on and treat yourself friends.
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