
I love helping turn old furniture into gleaming new beauties with chalk paint and/or fabric.
Decorating homes is a passion of mine. Contact me,,
mobile: 919-428-7834, if you live in the Raleigh, NC area and would like my assistance.

Services include, but are not limited to:
1. Furniture Make-Overs: Drop off your furniture to my garage for me to bring back to life. You will select the chalk paint color and paint technique you'd like me to use on your project. I will use chalk paint, waxes, chalk paint brushes, and fabric if necessary to transform your piece of furniture. Then you pick it up and love it back at your home.    Prices quoted based on size of your piece.

2. Painting furniture tutorial: Bring your piece of furniture to my garage and we will work side-by-side to transform your piece as I share painting techniques, tips, and tricks. You will have access to my materials, supplies, tools, expertise. Music and cold drinks provided. Prices quoted based on size of your piece.

3. Home Staging: Planning on selling your house? Invite us over to walk-through your house (inside and outside) with you with our Home Staging Check-list. We will walk through each and every space with you giving you tips and tricks of the trade to help your home sell quickly and for the highest price you can.           $100 for Home Staging Walk-Through and Check-list

4. One Room Make-Over: Choose one room in your home for 'spicing up'. We will make suggestions on which furniture, accessories, art work, etc. from your home to move around for a 'spiced up new to you' room. We will focus on furniture arrangement, functionality, and style. Each client will answer a Room Make-Over Questionnaire and chose images from an Image Book to reveal their style.                $100 for a 2 hour session

Hope to work with you soon.

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