
One of our favorite Christmas traditions involves Christmas children's books. I horde and hide my collection of children's Christmas book in our attic and every year around Thanksgiving I pull the books down. I secretly wrap each book in wrapping paper and place in a large basket. We have quite a collection at this point! Each night until Christmas each of my children get to open one wrapped book before bedtime that we enjoy reading together in my big bed. We have fun remembering old favorites. I try to recycle some of our choices and put in one new book a year.
What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?

Here are some of our favorites:

Image result for christmas books for kids Image result for christmas books for kids Image result for christmas books for kids  Image result for christmas books for kids Image result for christmas books for kidsImage result for christmas books for kids Image result for christmas books for kids Image result for christmas books for kids Image result for i see santa on every corner

Here's a classic Easter bunny tale that my mom used to read to me. Now I read it every year to my rascals:


I'm currently reading mostly nonfiction. I reread the third one every time this year:


We have a fantastic new little sweet library in our neighborhood which I take full advantage of-

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