Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Staying Organized

Hello friends,
How much fun did we have at the trampoline place yesterday?  The kids' track out vacation days are quickly dwindling.....

I won't share you that there's a bizarre pain in my right lower leg.

I also won't share that my daughter threw up in the car ride home after two hours of constant jumping. Yikes!

I AM NOT taking this as a sign of anything.....

Did you get a chance to watch the new Fixer Upper episode last night? If so, don't tell, I'm going to watch it while on the treadmill this afternoon. Can. Not. Wait. That Chip and Jo Jo!

Anyhoo, thanks for joining me today. I wanted to share how The Chalkboard Cottage stays organized. With my part time travelling schedule, it would be easy to get unorganized. Besides online calendars (on ipads, phones, laptops), we have three ways to ATTEMPT to keep it together.

Here's how I TRY to stay organized and prioritize my daily tasks (work and personal):

1. A good ole' fashioned TO DO List: (Doesn't it feel so good to cross off items?)

 2. Monthly calendar by backpack zone near garage:

3. Weekly calendar in eat-in kitchen that kids' add to and also contains our weekly menus (to cut down on's all out there for kids to see):

How does your family stay organized???? Share some tips with us.
Happy decorating & Joyful living,

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Get a little jump in

Hi friends,
How are you staying warm today? My chalupas and I stole away for a bit during lunch as I was working from home today to warm up our bums on the trampoline. What a great idea!!!

At first I was hoping all my parts would stay in the places they were intended to be..

Next thoughts were hoping I didn't break anything....

Then I wondered if this forty-ish mom looked silly jumping...

Finally I gave up and embraced it!!! What fun! I was doing some moves. It was actually a great workout that earned me some Weight Watchers activity points (yep, I had to join my girl, Oprah. That baby weight has stayed on far far far too long)!

Happy jumping to you! Do something silly and fun this week!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Welcome Blog World!

Hello friends,

New year, time for a new blog! Please join me as I transform my blog and share about life (still decorating OF COURSE, family life, recipes, joy, inspiration, and more). What would you like to read about on my blog? Please leave me a comment....I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas.

Still Happy Decorating and Joyous Living,